Tinkoff Biometry


One of the installations at the Tinkoff exhibition space was "Biometry", which told, as the name suggests, about the bank's biometric services.

The installation provided a personalized experience inside a small room. Two walls of this room consisted of transparent screens. One wall and ceiling are lightboxes. The floor and wall opposite the user are LED screens covered with milky acrylic glass. Through the touch screen and Kinect sensor the user interacts with the installation.

The media carriers are different and have a non-standard layout. They are generally controlled by different computers:
1. Touch screen + kinect.
2. LED screens.
3. Transparent screens + lightboxes.

However, the architecture of the application is designed so that the content is created in one scene and then it is running simultaneously on three computers. Virtual transparent screens are imitating the behavior of the real ones - when the room is dark, they are no longer transparent.